
Haslington Parish Council Response to Cheshire East Parking Review Statutory Consultation 2023

The Council at the meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2023 discussed car parking charges as proposed by Cheshire East Council which could affect the Waterloo Road Car Park.

A Parking Review Statutory Consultation is open from 20th September to 1st November 2023.

Details of the consultation can be found at the Cheshire East Website. Parking reviews and public consultations (

Residents are urged to submit their objections to the proposed charges.

The Council has resolved to submit a response which can be seen below.

HPC Car Park Letter Oct 2023

One thought on “Haslington Parish Council Response to Cheshire East Parking Review Statutory Consultation 2023

  1. I oppose the car park charges at Waterloo Road. There are only about 17 spaces which I think wont give much money to the council coffers.How will they monitor the car park? I use the car park daily but am there for a maximum of 5 minutes but to have to pay 60p per day is totally ridiculous.

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