A new noticeboard has been installed on the village green in the heart of Haslington. This noticeboard is to allow the Parish Council to display statutory information and legally required documents....
Haslington Remembrance Service – Sunday 12th November 2023
Haslington Parish Council Response to Cheshire East Parking Review Statutory Consultation 2023
The Council at the meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2023 discussed car parking charges as proposed by Cheshire East Council which could affect the Waterloo Road Car Park. A Parking Review...
Haslington Best Kept Garden Awards 2023
Residents from across the Parish gathered at St Mathews Church Hall on Saturday 9th September for the presentation of the Haslington Best Kept Garden Awards. The judges had the enjoyable challenge...
Haslington is Blooming!
The beds and planters around the village are well and truly blooming this summer and bringing some much-needed colour! Thanks to JD Services for all their work. ...
It's time for communities across the country to show their love and appreciation for their green spaces as Love Parks Week launches today - will you join us by showing your love for the...
New Signs at Gutterscroft Play Area
New signage has been installed today at the Gutterscroft Playing Field. The signs around the field remind users to show consideration by disposing of litter, picking up after their dog, and keeping...
Explore Haslington Parish
Exercise of Public Rights – Annual Governance Return 2022-23
The annual governance return for the Council for 2022-23 has now been completed. Information on electors' rights as well as the return information can be found on the following...
New Councillors Co-opted to Haslington Parish Council
At the monthly Council meeting held on 5th June 2023 the following residents were co-opted to Haslington Parish Council. Cllr Mike Blakeman, Cllr Andrew Stubbs, Cllr Mark Trigger and Cllr Rob...